Friday, December 15, 2006

"There's still good in him..."

Andrew upsets the liberal reader (and probably causes a couple of sarcastic head nods at NRO HQ) by reminding us of his conservative bona fides.

To me, I trust Andrew that this is more than the web equivalent of a Che poster in a dorm room. RWR was my introduction to the conservative movement, a tough thing for a kid growing up in a town with a 10-to-1 ratio favoring the left.

UPDATED: sigh. That was quick. Once again, shoving 'all', or in the best case scenario, 'most' conservatives into the homophobic box is inappropriate and inaccurate. Personally, Mary is likely to be far more fit of a mother than, say, a 14-year old, or the soon-to-be ex Mrs. Federline, to say the least. Andrew does his best to burn bridges among fellow conservatives - especially those who would agree with him - by assuming 'non-Andrew conservative = Theocrat'.

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