Friday, December 15, 2006

to quote James Bond Stockwell...

"Who am I? Why am I here?"

In my case, "Who am I?" is answered with the following: I'm a father, husband, systems analyst, conservative, born back east, educated in the midwest, now living and working in the high country of New Mexico.

"Why am I here?" Well, for starters, I'm a long-time reader, first-time blogger. And rather than wait for the blogfather to add comments, or for Charles to open to new commenters at some time other than o'dark thirty, I figured it was time to open my own mouth (via the keypad, and all these wonderful tubes).

Why thirtypundit? Well, for starters, thirty wasn't available. Secondly, like many bloggers-in-training, Glenn is a good starting point for good blogging ettiquette. 'Heh' is pithy.

Moreover, per the subtitle of the blog, thirty represents the end of the story in journalistic parlance. In this space, I hope to be able to put the 'end of story' in place on my opinions, from news of the day to how the weather or family is here (I promise, in advance, no views from my window, unless it's really pretty outside).

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